Threat intelligence

Threat intelligence is a service that efficiently gathers information on existing worldwide threats, empowering Security Operators with greater visibility into potential risks and dangers.

My Role UX designer
Key outcomes Competitor study,
Ecosystem Study,
E2E User flow

Design process

This feature is on empowering security operations by leveraging collective threat report. Unlike existing practices of consolidating threat information into structured reports, our product aimed to stand out by aggregating these reports and delivering comprehensive analysis results to them.


Pre-Design Research

Prior to design, I conduct research including competitor analysis and product ecosystem study. This informs my understanding of the domain and identifies opportunities for the enhancement.


Define Design Goals

Based on research and team discussions, I defined design goals to ensure alignment with product objectives.


UX Flow Creation and Delivery

Crafted the user flow by leveraging user scenarios and use cases, considering the overall user journey to develop in-app and cross-app flows that meet the design goals.


Iterative Refinement

Continuously refined the design through iterative cycles, incorporating feedback and insights from users for ongoing improvement.

Design goal

Enable Security Operators to address the following inquiries efficiently:

Design outcome

User need #1
What is the current trend in cyber attacks?

Deisgn Solution #1
Provide Threat Trend Analysis

  • Provide users with up-to-date threat attack reports, sortable by last updated time.
  • Implement filtering options to help users narrow down reports to their specific scope of interest.

User need #2
Is my company's environment impacted by any attacks?

Design Solution #2
Provide Environment Impact Assessment

  • Display a summary widget indicating the number of attacks being tracked and those potentially affecting the customer's environment.
  • Enable users to apply filters for viewing all potential attack matches.

User need #3
What is the severity and impact of detected attacks?

Design Solution #3
Provide Severity and Impact Insight

  • Within the attack matched summary, present information on the impact scope and attack indicators.
  • Offer users a detailed view through network charts for deeper exploration and understanding.