Network Analytics Report

The network analytics report offers an interactive Sankey diagram, facilitating users' understanding of each phase of an attack.It visualizes network traffic and correlates events, granting real-time visibility for a holistic understanding of the entire attack process.

My Role

UX designer

Key Activities

Assist usability testing, Concept ideation, Wireframing


To refine the usability of the network analytics report based on user interview insights.
The objective is to deliver an interactive report that is clearer and more user-friendly.


  1. Collaborated with the user researcher to conduct interviews, defining research goals, questions, and testing materials.
  2. Prioritized user needs collected from research and devised UI designs accordingly.
  3. Conducted quick validation with previous interviewees to ensure the design concept effectively addressed their concerns.
  4. Enhanced the usability of the network analytics report to deliver an interactive interface that is clearer and more intuitive based on user interview findings.

Design outcome

1.Enhance the summary view
Pain Points:
  • Difficulty in grasping the overall attack pattern and impact scope at a glance.
  • Lack of connection between the summary content and the graph, leading to difficulties in understanding the report.
  • Flat presentation of information without prioritization, making it challenging for users to discern crucial details.
Design Solutions:
  1. Improved Visibility:
    Place the report title and impact scope at the top for easy visibility upon accessing the report.

  2. Enhanced Focus Feature:
    Introduce a FOCUS function on summary objects to direct users to relevant nodes on the Sankey chart, improving navigation and understanding.

  3. Clear Differentiation:
    Highlight trigger events and distinguish time steps from other information, enhancing clarity and comprehension for users.

2. Adjusting the Report Layout
Pain Points:

The network analytics report is challenging to read due to its lengthy content, which is split into three disconnected parts.

Design Solutions:
  1. Enhanced Report Navigation:
    Fix the report title at the top and introduce an expandable summary section. This allows users to initially view the summary as guidance and hide it when they need to focus on the graph.

  2. Improved Information Presentation:
    Display detailed event information next to the graph, enabling users to compare it directly with the graphical representation.

3. Making the Report Interactive
Pain Points:
  • Difficulty in viewing the entire report content on one screen due to its size.
  • Presence of unnecessary information that occupies space.
  • Sankey chart becomes difficult to read when overwhelmed with too many lines.
Design Solutions:
  • Implement a filter function enabling users to narrow down the scope of the report.

  • The filter not only reduces the complexity of the Sankey chart but also streamlines the detail information, allowing users to focus on their specific areas of interest or concern.